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Download Cydia for iOS 16 and higher [ Most Trusted Ways ]

    Download Cydia for iOS 16 and higher

    Everyone wants to know all the methods to download Cydia for iOS 16 in one page. We have listed all of them according to the popularity through this page. Refer them and choose the best method to download Cydia for iOS 16.

    Download Cydia for iOS 16 and higher

    Following methods are available to download Cydia for iOS 16 and higher  versions.

    If you are on the latest iOS 17 versions, refer to Cydia download for iOS 17 or if you are on older iOS 15 versions refer to Cydia download for iOS 15 and higher.

    • Repo Extraction methods

    There are four popular repo extractors available. Repo extracting is the most trusted way to download Cydia for iOS 16. It is the most convenient way to install any third party jailbreak apps without access to the system root. Not only Cydia, world famous third party jailbreak apps can be installed on the iOS 16 version by extracting repos.

    Sileem Repo Extractor

    Sileem is a repo extractor that has become very popular in a short period of time. For the first time it was released targeting iOS 16 jailbreak app installation. So It was installed Cydia for iOS 16 successfully with Sileem. After that, iOS 16 and higher versions were added one by one to the supported version list of Sileem. The latest Sileem support version is iOS 16.7.8.

    Sileem Cydia for iOS 16 and higher