
Apricot- Review

Apricot is a web-based mirror operating system for all the latest iPhones. 

It is the 1st web-based iOS version initially released as a mirror version of iOS 11.3. Also, compatible with iOS versions up to iOS 14.8.1.

Apricot is not compatible with iOS 15 & higher versions. So, they have to use alternative solutions for iOS 18iOS 18.2.1 & iOS 18.3 users, iOS 17iOS 17.7.2 users, iOS 16iOS 16.7.10 users and iOS 15iOS 15.8.3 users must have to use alternative solutions to install jailbreak apps on their latest iDevices. 

Apricot offers themes, redesigned homescreen, virtual Jailbreak to get uncommon experience.

Install Apricot


Features of Apricot

Apricot Jailbreak

Install Apricot for free

Apricot Common issues

Remove Apricot

Advantages / Disadvantages


Install Apricot

You can download Apricot from the official site. If not, basically, you need to install one of the third-party app managers from the following. Apricot is available on zJailbreak, Xabsi & iExtras. Now you can download Apricot from Hexxa too.


iOS versions:   iOS 14.8.1, iOS 14.8, iOS 14.7.1, iOS 14.7, iOS 14.6, iOS 14.5.1, iOS 14.5, iOS 14.4.2, iOS 14.4.1, iOS 14.4, iOS 14.3, iOS 14.2, iOS 14.1, iOS 14.0.1, iOS 14, iOS 13.7, iOS 13.6.1, iOS 13.6, iOS 13.5.1, iOS 13.5, iOS 13.4.1, iOS 13.4, iOS 13.3.1, iOS 13.3, iOS 13.2.3, iOS 13.2.2, iOS 13.2, iOS 13.1.3, iOS 13.1.2, iOS 13.1.1, iOS 13.1, iOS 13, iOS 12.5.7, iOS 12.5.6, iOS 12.5.5, iOS 12.5.4, iOS 12.5.3, iOS 12.5.2, iOS 12.5.1, iOS 12.5, iOS 12.4.9, iOS 12.4.8, iOS 12.4.7, iOS 12.4.6, iOS 12.4.5, iOS 12.4.4, iOS 12.4.3, iOS 12.4.2, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.3.2, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3, iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1.4, iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.2, iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12, iOS 11.4.1, iOS 11.4, iOS 11.3.1, iOS 11.3

Device : 

iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11, iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone Xr, iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Phone 7 & 7 Plus, iPhone 6S & 6S Plus, iPhone 6 & 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 4S

iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro, iPad mini, iPad 2, iPad 3rd gen, iPad 4th gen, iPod Touch 6G, iPod Touch 5G

Step Guide

Step 01 – Download zJailbreak, Xabsi or iExtras from above installation buttons.

Step 02 – Go to zJailbreak, Xabsi or iExtras. Find the Apricot OS and tap on it.

Step 03 – Select your device model to install Apricot.

Step 04 – Then click “Allow” → “Install” → “Enter the device passcode” → “Install” → “Done.”

Step 05 – Now you have successfully installed Apricot OS on your iPhone.

Congratulations! Now you can get different kinds of iOS experience with Apricot.

Apricot Jailbreak

Apricot Jailbreak is the latest method to get virtual jailbreak experience for latest iOS versions on iPhone models only. Apricot installs Cydia as a virtual app. It has two methods to install Cydia on Apricot iOS. 

Method 01 – Step Guide

Step 01 – Launch Apricot app from your iPhone. If you have not installed Apricot yet, download it according to the above guide.

Step 02 – Tap the unlock icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Step 03 – Then tap on “jailbreak Apricot OS.”

Step 04 – Just tap on the “Jailbreak Now” button to start the process.

Step 05 – You will get the Black Screen of Cydia Configuration within a few seconds.

Step 06 – Once finished, the Cydia icon will be available on your Apricot iOS.

Step Guide – Method 02

Step 01 – First you have to install Hexxa Repo extractor on your iPhone using following button. You need to provide your device passcode only.

Step 02 – Launch the Hexxa app from your device. Go to “Get repos”, Copy the following repo URL.


Step 03 – Then go back to Hexxa home page and paste the URL on extract Repo button and click “OK”

Step 04 – It will extract the Apricot repo on your device, tap on the download button to Install Apricot iOS.

Step 05 – Then run Apricot iOS app from your iPhone. Tap on the unlock button>Jailbreak Apricot iOS>Get the code>Copy the code>Open JB Terminal & Paste the code and Enter.

Step 06 – Finally you can see the Cydia will be available on your Apricot iOS.

Features of Apricot


Apricot features simulate a realistic experience to the iPhone. 

  • Design and icons

Redesign home screen is long overdue since iOS 11 because Apple mostly unchanged the home screen since its beginning. It seems the same styles, icons, colors, widgets for a long time and it’s getting a bit dull.

Apricot brings new elements and fresh looks to iOS and you can experience it through Apricot iOS. The bright user interface and round icons are pretty interesting. Download Apricot to get the experience right now.

  • Change themes

Bored with your existing iOS theme and want to try something new? Apricot is an excellent app for you to experience the new iOS themes on your iPhone.

Basically, you need to install Apricot OS App and Go to Settings. Then tap on themes available under “Device.” You can see Background themes available as a Dark theme, White theme except the default themes. Just tap on these as you desire to change the theme as well as you can change the font colors.

  • New Wallpapers

Apple typically includes new wallpapers with each major iOS release, though they are not included you can get the nice wallpapers for your iPhone through Apricot.

After installing Apricot OS, Open the app and go to themes, it has Animated wallpapers too. Just tap on the wallpaper you want to add and click the back button. You can see it has added to your Apricot OS background.

  • Games

Once you install Apricot, you can get the Apple games on your Apricot iOS. You can play games freely with this feature.

  • Calculator

Apricot has its own calculator which is more advanced than the default iOS calculator.

  • Video player and Music Player

Apricot offers inbuilt Video player and Music Player. You can play, watch, and listen directly with these Video players.

  • Phone Call / Text Message

You can make a Phone call as well as a text message. There is no own call option for Apricot and it uses the default call function.

Apricot Common issues

Sometimes it feels like the Apricot OS may slow down your device. Mostly Camera features. This is happening with the slow internet connection. If you have a fast, stable internet connection there is no such issue. However you can restart Apricot iOS. Just tap the refresh button in the bottom right corner.

Install Apricot for free

Anyone can install Apricot for free from zJailbreak or Xabsi third-party app stores.

But free installation offered some limited functions only. If you need to access advanced features, you must install the Apricot premium service. At that point, you need to upgrade your third-party store which you have downloaded.

Install apricot for free, depending on the source you have downloaded. That means you need to upgrade the zJailbreak app store or Xabsi app store.

If you have downloaded from zJailbreak, you must know it is donationware. You should have to donate some amount to developers to upgrade zJailbreak to the premium version to install some apps. When you make a donation, they will send you an email with a zJailbreak donation coupon code. You need to paste these registration codes by clicking the “Upgrade zJailbreak” link. Finally, you will get the zJailbreak upgraded version.

When you have downloaded Apricot from Xabsi, the upgraded method is different. Xabsi also donateware. You have to donate them to install the Xabsi upgraded version. Once you donate them, you will get the upgraded Xabsi installation menu. Otherwise, you will receive an updated link from Xabsi developers. You need to Copy the received link and paste it into your device safari browser.

Apricot Common issues

Sometimes it feels Apricot OS may slow down your device. Mostly Camera feature. This is happening with the slow internet connection. If you have speed, stable internet connection there is no such issue. However you can restart Apricot iOS. Just tap the refresh button in the bottom right corner.

Remove Apricot

You can remove Apricot very easily by going through the following path.

Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management > Apricot > Remove Profile > Enter device passcode > Remove

Apricot Advantages and Disadvantages

  • You can access default iOS on just a single click.
  • You can access non approved games and Apps.
  • Compatible with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices.
  • Apricot has Easy installation and Removing process.
  • Multitasking interface with Colorful icons.
  • Apricot OS is a little slow.
  • You can not install Cydia tweaks from Apricot Cydia.
  • Cydia installed only on your Apricot iOS, not for the default iOS.


What is Apricot?

  • Apricot is webOS which you can run on your iPhone.

Can I directly download Apricot to my iPhone?

  • No. First, you need to download zJailbreak or Xabsi third party app store.

Is it safe to install Apricot on my iPhone X?

  • Yes, 100% safe. Apricot won’t access your iOS system root.

I do not have a computer. Can I download Apricot?

  • Yes. You do not need a computer to install Apricot.

I have a non-jailbroken device. Can I install Apricot on my device?

  • Yes. Apricot is compatible with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices.

Is Apricot a Jailbreak tool?

  • No. You can get virtual jailbreak experience through Apricot.

Can I download Apricot for my iPad?

  • No. Currently Apricot is compatible with iPhone models only.

Can I download Apricot for my 32-bit device?

  • No this is compatible with 64-bit devices only.